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Research & Initiatives

Overall goal is to achieve sustainable clean energy storage & production through green chemistry. While our approach involves rational design of new materials based on crystal chemistry knowledge, their synthesis achieved by simple, cost effective and environmentally benign methods.


Sol-gel sample synthesis method


Solid state sample synthesis 

1. Sample synthesis techniques:


(a) Sol-gel Method (b) Hydro-thermal method (c) Solid-state reaction method (d) Co-precipitation method (e) Thin films deposition by magnetron sputtering.


2. Interdisciplinary work:

(a) Spin dependent electron transport in Chiral molecules.


(b) Role of magnetic interactions in a ferromagnetic substrate and chiral molecules to explain origin of life/homochirality.


(c) Spintronics devices based on the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect.


(d) The role of the electron spin in Biology.


(e) Possibility of using ultraviolet radiation for disinfecting the novel COVID-19 (


3. Keywords and research background in:

(a) Magnetism in strongly correlated systems.


(b) Effect of crystallographic strain on the vibrational and optical properties: Raman and optical absorption spectroscopy investigations.


(c)  Origin of natural and magnetic field induced polar order in various perovskites.


(d)Electronic Structure of strongly correlated materials by using Valence band spectroscopy.


(e) Multiferroics/Dielectric/Magnetodielectric Materials.


(f) The novel isothermal time-dependent Raman scattering experiments to investigate the origin of the cluster glass state.


(g) Effect of defects on the Magneto-elastic coupling strength and optical properties.


(h) First Principle Calculations by WIEN-2 K code.


(i) Origin of electron-phonon coupling in strongly correlated materials.


(j)    Origin of orbital mediated electron-phonon coupling.


(k) Origin of Fano scattering in doped systems.


3. Experimental skills:


(a) Design and development of a fully automated in-situ temperature-dependent magneto-capacitance and magneto-resistance measurement setups to explore the influence of magnetic field on electrical properties of materials as a function of temperature as well as of frequency (


(b) Design and development of in-situ temperature-dependent Optical absorption spectroscopy setup.



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